Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124


With more than a decade of expertise in homologation, we are now leveraging our extensive experience to offer a more comprehensive and accessible platform for the automotive industry. Our track record of success across numerous projects and teams, combined with our ability to adapt to evolving homologation processes, has created a solid foundation for driving innovation and operational excellence.

Our profound interest and specialized knowledge in both the automotive and technology sectors inspire us, particularly as these two fields become increasingly intertwined. We consider it a privilege to be at the forefront of this exciting convergence.

Through the platform, we aim to provide streamlined access to industry insights and developments, helping organizations navigate complex regulatory landscapes with ease. Our team delivers advanced consultancy services in line with EU and UN ECE regulations, offering fully remote, written support. By adopting this efficient, digital-first approach, we significantly reduce both time and costs, minimizing the need for protracted meetings and lengthy processes, while ensuring projects advance with precision and speed.

We work closely with in-house homologation and R&D teams to conduct in-depth project reviews and process analyses, guaranteeing that every phase of a project adheres to the relevant regulations. serves as your strategic partner, ensuring regulatory compliance and optimizing your project management processes for greater efficiency and success.

Homologation.Co Team – Automotive Homologation Essentials