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GSR II for Special Purpose Vehicles and Small Series: Implementation dates

Let's take a detailed look at the implementation dates for GSR II for special purpose vehicles and small series.

As is known, the transition to GSR II began on July 7, 2024. However, changes were made on this date for small series and special purpose vehicles. Let’s take a detailed look at the implementation dates for GSR II for special purpose vehicles and small series.

What Are Special Purpose Vehicles?

First, we need to know which vehicles are considered under GSR II. The definition of Special Purpose Vehicles is provided by EU Regulation 2018/828. According to this regulation, “Special Purpose Vehicles means a vehicle of category M, N, or O having specific technical features that enable it to perform a function that requires special arrangements or equipment.” These vehicles include motor caravans, trailer caravans, ambulances, vehicles carrying wheelchair passengers, armoured vehicles, mobile cranes, exceptional load transport vehicles, and multi-equipment carriers.

Vehicles with similar characteristics in other categories may also be classified as special purpose vehicles. The authorities will make this determination.

What Are Vehicles Produced in Small Series?

Another group subject to postponement is vehicles produced in small series. According to the regulation, a ‘vehicle produced in small series’ means a type of vehicle of which the number of units made available on the market, registered, or entered into service does not exceed the quantitative annual limits laid down in Annex V. The limits for vehicles produced in small series under Annex V are as follows:


  1. The number of units of one type of vehicle to be registered, made available on the market, or entered into service annually in the Union shall not exceed, pursuant to Article 41, the quantitative annual limits shown in the following table for the vehicle category in question:
M2, M30 until the date of application of the delegated acts referred to in Article 41(5). For fully automated vehicles produced in small series: 1,500 from December 6, 2022
N2, N30 until the date of application of the delegated acts referred to in Article 41(5). For fully automated vehicles produced in small series: 1,500 from December 6, 2022
O1, O20
O3, O40
  1. The number of units of one type of vehicle to be registered, made available on the market, or entered into service annually in a Member State, shall be determined by that Member State but shall not exceed, pursuant to Article 42, the quantitative annual limits shown in the following table for the vehicle category in question:
M2, M3250
N2, N3250
O1, O2500
O3, O4250

Implementation Dates for GSR II for Special Purpose Vehicles and Small Series

The regulation aims to provide some ease for manufacturers regarding the transition. EU Regulation 2018/858, as amended by EU 2022/2236, specifies the dates for small series and special purpose vehicles. For new types of small series and special purpose vehicles, the implementation date has been changed from July 6, 2022, to July 7, 2024. For existing types, the implementation date has been changed from July 7, 2024, to July 7, 2026.

Article 5 of the relevant amendment specifies the GSR II implementation dates and rationale for small series and special purpose vehicles as follows:

“When setting out the requirements for vehicles produced in small series or special purpose vehicles, it is necessary to take into account the cases where the requirements provided for vehicles produced in large series are incompatible with the use or design of such vehicles, or where the additional burden imposed by them is disproportionate. For this reason, sufficient lead time should be provided to manufacturers of vehicles produced in small series and of special purpose vehicles to implement the requirements laid down in this Regulation. In addition, those requirements should first apply from July 7, 2024, to new types of vehicles and from July 7, 2026, for all new vehicles.”

GSR II Implementation in Imports

In EU member countries or countries operating under EU regulations, GSR II implementation in imports will be conducted in the same manner as in the EU. If you are importing an existing type of special purpose vehicle, you will not be affected by the GSR II transition until July 7, 2026. However, a new type of vehicle produced after July 7, 2024, must comply with GSR II requirements.

The term “new type” mentioned here refers to a vehicle that has been newly approved and has not been previously produced or approved.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please mention them in the comments.

Emre Cetin
Emre Cetin

I have been acquainted with homologation in the automotive sector for over 10 years now. We have accomplished great things in many projects within various teams. Adapting to the recently updated homologation processes has been particularly exciting. Integrating past experiences with new procedures fosters a fertile ground for innovation and productivity. Having a special interest and expertise in both automotive and technology,

I am thrilled by the prospect of these fields converging in the future. It is a privilege to be a part of the journey in automotive and technology!

For this reason, I have decided to launch a blog project that I have long envisioned, where I can share my experiences and assess developments in the industry.

Previously, in the early years of my career, I managed a well-loved project named, which offered content in Turkish. I had decided to discontinue this project for various reasons.

Now, I am excited to engage with an international audience through a new blog project, sharing knowledge and insights. I hope my efforts will contribute positively to the industry.

Please feel free to contact me with your views and suggestions.

Articles: 12

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